How To Wash Natural Hair To Prevent Tangles
What’s your hair texture 4b, 4c, 3b or whatever? It doen’t matter. Regardless of your hair texture, if you are like most naturalistas, you are most likely plagued with tangled hair. Most of us are not exempted from the dread tangles.
But, did you know there are techniques you can use to help reduce those awful tangles? One way to prevent tangles is to twist those curly locks. Shelli, of expressed that she at one time felt no need to be concern with managing tangles because she did not have a problem with her hair re-tangling after a detangling session. However, she decided to experiment with twisting her hair into four sections after applying a DC (Deep Conditioner), twisting her hair as she applied pre-poo and twisting her hair after a co-washing. From her little experiment, she discovered that the practice of twisting her locks was most effective in managing tangles. Then, she started twisting her locks before pre-pooing and dry finger detangling. Next, she started to twist her hair after co-washing and detangling each section. Before long, she realized she was using twists throughout her wash day routine.
She found that besides managing tangles, the twist helped retain her TnC (Twist and Curls) and twist out sets.
Like most Naturalistas, Shelli has multiple textures on her head, so for her, the “process of setting the twists seems to create a ‘memory’” for her hair to follow and create a “wave pattern”. Shelli expressed that her TnC (Twist and Curls) and twist-out sets “greatly improved inconsistency of pattern, definition, and hold” when twisted throughout her wash routine.
So, here is how to handle those tangles:
- Detangle and twist each section after the tangles are all out.
- Shampoo & condition with the twists
- Then moisturize and re-twist each section to style your hair or air dry.
How to you handle tangles? Do you wash in twists?
The post How To Wash Natural Hair To Prevent Tangles first appeared on Demetrion Ware.